Media Campaigns to End Violence

last updated 3/5/2024

Please note: While these links and resources are offered in good faith, please be aware that these resources and links are external to this website. Oakland Speaks does not have control over, and is not responsible for, the content of the following websites nor the conduct of the websites’ sponsoring organizations.

Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.):

Campaign Link: G.R.E.A.T. Program

Success Indicator: Evaluations have found that students who participated in the G.R.E.A.T. Program were significantly less likely to join gangs or be involved in violent behavior.

#NotOneMore (Gun Violence Prevention Campaign):

Campaign Link: #NotOneMore

Success Indicator: Everytown for Gun Safety reports that since its launch, several states have passed laws to strengthen background checks and implement other gun safety measures.

Ceasefire Chicago:

Campaign Link: Ceasefire Chicago

Success Indicator: Evaluations have shown reductions in shootings and homicides ranging from 16% to 34% in neighborhoods where Ceasefire Chicago (now Cure Violence Chicago) was implemented.

Peace One Day:

Campaign Link: Peace One Day

Success Indicator: According to Peace One Day, their efforts have contributed to a 70% reduction in violent incidents in areas where they've conducted campaigns and events.

It's On Us (Sexual Assault Prevention Campaign):

Campaign Link: It's On Us

Success Indicator: The campaign has engaged over 440,000 people and led to over 560 events on campuses, demonstrating a widespread commitment to ending sexual assault.

Safe Streets Baltimore:

Campaign Link: Safe Streets Baltimore

Success Indicator: Safe Streets Baltimore reports reductions in shootings ranging from 44% to 56% in neighborhoods where their violence interruption programs are implemented.

Speak Up. Speak Out. - Alberta Bullying Prevention Strategy:

Campaign Link: Speak Up. Speak Out.

Success Indicator: While specific statistics vary, the campaign has led to increased reporting of bullying incidents and greater awareness of bullying prevention strategies.

United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS):

Campaign Link: UNMAS

Success Indicator: UNMAS efforts have contributed to significant reductions in casualties from landmines and explosive remnants of war in conflict-affected areas worldwide. UNMAS reported a 46% decrease in casualties from explosive hazards in 2020 compared to the previous year.