
last updated 3/5/2024

Please note: While these links and resources are offered in good faith, please be aware that these resources and links are external to this website. Oakland Speaks does not have control over, and is not responsible for, the content of the following websites nor the conduct of the websites’ sponsoring organizations.

 1. "Social cohesion, social capital, and health"

Authors: Ichiro Kawachi and Lisa F. Berkman

[Link to paper]  

Abstract: This paper examines the links between social cohesion, social capital, and health outcomes. It argues that strong social networks and social support systems can buffer individuals from the negative effects of stress and improve overall health.

 2. "Social cohesion and crime in urban neighborhoods"

Authors: Robert J. Sampson, Stephen W. Raudenbush, and Felton Earls 

[Link to paper]

Abstract: This paper investigates the relationship between social cohesion and crime in urban neighborhoods. It finds that neighborhoods with higher levels of social cohesion experience lower rates of crime.

Research on Violence